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Cumula 3 Blog

All about NetSuite ERP

2 min read

Benefits from Integrated Restaurant Inventory Management Software

What does the ideal restaurant management system look like?

Imagine an ideal restaurant management business system.  In your perfect world what would this look like?

  • Does it include many systems each running separately?
  • Are integrations hard to maintain?
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3 min read

Trends in Restaurant Management Software For Chains & Franchises

Americans are eating out more than ever according to a recent Nielsen report. New research suggest Americans on average spend around $70,000 on takeout and delivery alone during their lifetime. This data, combined with a strong customer price index,...

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1 min read

The True Cost of Not Investing in Warehouse Management Software

Any new investment has a price, but most often, it’s the cost of not implementing the right solution that has the largest impact on an organization.

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1 min read

NetSuite Add-Ons: A Guide to Enhancing Your NetSuite Experience

One of the best parts about being a NetSuite customer is the ability to make the platform your own, based on your business needs, processes and goals.

One of the ways that you can achieve this is by leveraging the NetSuite add on modules available for...

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2 min read

NetSuite Partners: Working with One Can Make or Break your Implementation

When it comes to an ERP implementation, you have several important decisions to make. Not only will you decide which ERP system is the best fit for your company, you will also decide whether or not to work with a solution provider/Value Added Reseller...

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1 min read

Distroller Accelerates Growth With NetSuite For Retail

Unless you have young children and have recently lived in Mexico, chances are you have never heard of Distroller. Thats about to change, founded in Mexico City, Distroller has disrupted the retail market in Mexico with over 60 locations and is poised to...

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3 min read

Cloud-Based Financial Management Systems Featured in Gartner's Magic Quadrant - NetSuite Review

Recently, Gartner published a first-of-its-kind analysis on “Cloud Core Financial Management Suites” as part of its Magic Quadrant series. In case you aren’t familiar with Gartner's Magic Quadrant it's a series of market research reports that demonstrate...

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2 min read

NetSuite Financial Planning with PBCS

For those that have been in the NetSuite ecosystem for a few years you may recall a time where NetSuite partnered with Adaptive Insights to create a module known as NetSuite Financial Planning to offer clients a cloud-based planning and forecasting...

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2 min read

5 Things To Expect When Working with NetSuite Partners

If you are entertaining the idea of working with NetSuite Partners for your ERP implementation and beyond, you might be wondering exactly what you should expect from the relationship. What’s it like to work with an organization that handles everything...

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